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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

lagi-lagi usim

husz kepada NC USIM

Assalamualaikum Prof. Dato’ Dr. Abdul Shukor Hj. Husin,

i would like to bring to your attention to an issue which I read in today’s theStar, regarding the termination of one of your law lecturers because of the high percentage of failing marks given.

I do not object to the termination but rather on the reason for termination. Low passing percentages in any class is an indication of something gone wrong. What I object to is the short term approach taken by your university in asking the lecturer to give sympathy marks in the form of attendance bonuses. The lecturer is question is right in saying that attendance is their responsibility. A small bonus might be considered for 100% attendance but never for anything else. This brings into question the quality of USIM, USIM graduates and even graduates from Malaysian Universities as a whole!

I for one do not what substandard graduates in the market. Either you qualify for that degree/diploma or you don’t. This is why there are so many graduates that are unable to get jobs. Because they dont’t know anything. Malaysian graduates at the moment is bad as it is with the emphasis on academic credentials only, when you dilute that too, then, what is the point of a University?

I agree something should have been done when a Law lecturer fails a majority of her class. What you should have done is find the root cause! Why did she fail them? Is her standards too high for their level? If that is so, you must determine WHY her standards are too high? You must address WHY the students fail? Is it the curriculum? the culture? the student doesnt understand the medium?

say NO! to sikap sambil LEWA!!!

Show your patriotism to the country by doing your job WELL!

Thank You very much, I hope to receive a reply from someone.

Yours Truly,

Hussin Yusof
a concerned citizen

Jawapan daripada NC USIM

Untuk makluman, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) ingin memberi penjelasan bahawa dakwaan ini adalah tidak benar dan tidak berasas berdasarkan alasan-alasan berikut:

1) Sistem Penilaian dan Pemarkahan Peperiksaan USIM mempunyai dasar dan prosedur yang jelas seperti mana yang terkandung dalam prosedur USIM/PK/09 - Pengredan, Pemarkahan dan Pengeluaran Keputusan Peperiksaan. Setiap keputusan peperiksaaan dibentang dan diteliti di dalam Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa Pra-Siswazah (JPPS) peringkat Fakulti dan seterusnya diangkat ke Mesyuarat Senat Universiti untuk perakuan. Di samping itu, USIM juga mempunyai Penilai Luar yang melihat sistem akademik dan peperiksaan di USIM.

2) Pensijilan MS ISO 9001:2000 yang telah diperolehi sejak 11 November 2004 dan perolehan sijil buat kali kedua pada 8 Januari 2008 oleh pihak SIRIM di bawah skop “Penyediaan Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Di Peringkat Sarjana Muda Meliputi Rekabentuk Dan Pembangunan Kurikulum Program” telah membuktikan bahawa USIM mempunyai prosedur yang jelas dan telus terhadap sistem pendidikannya.

3) Pihak Universiti menegaskan bahawa Universiti tidak pernah mengamalkan apa yang dimaksudkan dengan “markah kasihan” sebagaimana yang dilaporkan oleh akhbar Kosmo. Istilah tersebut tidak pernah wujud dan kita sama sekali tidak berkompromi dalam sebarang pengubahsuaian markah oleh para pensyarah.

4) Dakwaan tersebut adalah sangat serius dan amat tidak berasas dan telah menjejaskan reputasi USIM dan pihak USIM amat dukacita kerana tuduhan yang tidak benar ini telah merosakkan imej Universiti di mata masyarakat.

5) Dakwaan tersebut adalah berniat tidak baik dan boleh memberi kesan yang negatif terutama dalam situasi sekarang :

a. USIM sedang di dalam proses pemilihan dan pengambilan pelajar baru,

b. Sebagai Universiti baru, ianya boleh menghilangkan dan menghakis keyakinan masyarakat kepada USIM,

c. USIM dalam usaha mendapatkan pengiktifaran dari badan profesional,

d. Lulusan USIM yang menyambung pelajaran di luar negara baik yang menyambung di peringkat Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah,

e. Menjejaskan imej Graduan USIM yang sedang berkhidmat dalam pasaran.

6) Pihak Universiti berharap kepada masyarakat dan orang berilmu sekiranya hendak membuat komen dan ulasan dalam hal seperti ini harus mendapatkan maklumat daripada sumber dan fakta yang benar. Isu ini bukan “bualan murahan di kedai kopi”.

7) USIM akan melihat perkara ini di sudut undang-undang dan akan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya.

8) Tenaga pengajar USIM di Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-Undang adalah terdiri daripada tenaga pengajar yang berpengalaman antaranya bekas hakim, bekas peguam dan profesor.

9) KOSMO wajib bertanggungjawab di atas kenyataan tersebut kerana apa yang dipaparkan kepada umum seolah-olah fakta yang benar sedangkan kenyataan tersebut boleh dipertikaikan kesahihannya.

10) Pihak USIM memohon pihak Kosmo mendedahkan individu yang bernama ‘Nor’ berkenaan bagi membolehkan pihak Universiti membuat penjelasan lanjut.

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Abdul Shukor Haji Husin

Naib Canselor

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia


Bro Framestone said...

out of topic--> he..23x ops lupe nk buh.. nnt de mase bro buh ek.. oh sekodeng fs bro ek

Anonymous said...

I address this to those who make simplistic and judgmental comment against USIM relating to the case of 'Madam Nor':

To reach judgment upon hearing of one’s side of story is totally wrong.

What’s more to generalize a particular issue to another issue, i.e. in this case one particular incident to all public university graduates and administrators. Is this the mentality of what all of you call as generation of today’s Malaysians?

In the world of teaching, the teachers (applies to lecturers too) have to honour the students, to treat them with respect, not to degrade them before their face and scold them as if they had no dignity.

In drafting questions particularly, the general presumption is that the ‘majority’ of the students must be able to answer questions that the teacher gives. For this the teacher must give question which he expects the majority of the students should be able to answer.

Similarly when the teacher drafts the answer scheme, it should be the answer that the teacher had taught them or the teacher expects that the majority of the students will be able to answer. It is not fair to expect them to give the answer exactly as your answer scheme especially if the question is subjective in nature. In the same account, if it is subjective question, it is not fair for the teacher to evaluate it objectively.

Consequently, ideally, majority of students must be able to pass the examination.

This is the general presumption that has exception in different situation.

Therefore, when the normal presumption is rebutted, i.e. the result turns extraordinary; the first procedure is to ask the teacher “Can you re-evaluate your result?” Or in other words “Can you reconsider you finding? Who knows that you may make mistake - we are human”.

This is the practice of all education institutions, including public, private, local and international, with no exception.

Lecturer has discretion but not arbitrarily according to his own whim and fancy. Lecturer is human. Human is subject to err.

That is why we need the procedure. Even judge’s decision may be appealed against.

Therefore, when the lecturer is asked to reconsider, what is wrong if he humbly re-evaluate and re-check – not to jump and accuse everyone is trying to argue his credibility – try to ask him what to do?

After reconsideration, it is ok for him to say: “I have re-evaluated the answer sheets but the results are the same.” Let the students make appeal against the decision. This has happened not once but many times before in many institutions.

But for the lecturer to jump the gun concluding that he is asked to give sympathy mark when he is asked to re-evaluate is not wise for a good lecturer.

Thus bloggers, you may make fair comment, it is your right - but remember the rule is to leave the judgment to those who know better. The world of blogging, forum and internet today opens the opportunity to the ignorant to say things they even do not have any idea of. Think before you write just like you have to think before you talk. Keyboard is our tongue nowadays. We could not hide for long in the anonymous world.

So my question is: Are you honest in making all of the comments? Or you jump to the conclusion to satisfy your own jealousy and envy?

-Putra Graduate-
23 April 2009

Puteri said...

bukan skodenglah.
tgk2 nk brknln je.. ngeh3 =)

putra graduate-->>

i'm also student. i have exprnc for it. n i know wht i m talking about.

we r human. like an2blur said, ',manusia tiada yg smpurna' jd xkn lh xble brtmbg rasa wlau sdkt?

i also hv question 4 u.
who is actually make a judgmnt based on one prty?

Sitie BUm BUm said...

relax2.. jgn gaduh

Puteri said...

tp nm kami yg bruk?

Anonymous said...

Memang pun..kes ini menyebabkan bekas student USIM tidak akan di ambil bekerja di mana2 sektor di sebabkan terlalu banyak kualiti yang boleh dipertikaikan..nasihat saya kepada pelajar di USIM..kamu boleh la berhenti blajar dan sambung di LKW university..