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Thursday, May 05, 2011

osama ben laden - part 2

Sedang media sibuk-sibuk memaparkan isu kematian Osama ben Laden, juga ada pihak yang meragui kesahihan isu berkenaan.. Saya teringat, saya mempunyai seorang kenalan di Pakistan. Dia orang sana, namanya Farhat, Farhat Abbas.

Tanpa melengah-lengahkan masa, saya cuba mengorek sedikit berita dari sana. Sms dikirimkan.
(hehe...grammar ade yang tak berapa betul rasanya, huuu)


Salam. How are you? Everything fine there? Actually I have a question to ask you. Is it true that Osama Laden was killed? I can't believe it. I saw last night news.

W'salam. I'm fine. Yes dear this news is true according to media. Pakistanis media was not allowed cover (the issue). USA media only allowed to cover (it). Finally, HE killed.

Why Pakistanis can't cover the story? It make me think that Osama's death only a fake. Osama allive, isn't it?

Maybe dear. But if Islamic country would not unite, we will pay great cost of it. Each and every where Muslims are being killed and beaten due to lake of power.


perlu ke?
he.he.. :D


Cikli said...

oh.. ada kawan pakistani rupanya.

tehr said...

saya masih rasa berita ni tipu je